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                ONE BY ONE INVITATION

                The organizer's professional phone invitation team will initiate a one by one invitation to the exhibitors' target customers. During the process, the exhibitors will actively provide exhibitors with exhibit information and help the audience complete the pre-registration. The badge will be exchanged on-site for free and the customer will be invited directly to the exhibitor booth! Help exhibitors build connections and expand their influence!


                Prepare exclusive business invitation letters, booth electronic signatures and Wechat invitation letters for exhibitors, which is conducive to exhibitors to maximize booth information. Through the exclusive exhibitor's invitation code, visitors can register and the information will be directly included in the exhibitor's name, which will effectively help exhibitors build new customer groups!

                VIP COURTSY

                Due to the invitation of the exhibitors, the audience will directly get a VIP badge to visit and have a chance to receive hosting from the Hosted Buyer.